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The Full Story


After working sixteen years in Myanmar, turning down hundreds of invitations to a dozen other countries, and trying our best to ignore preachers from East Africa, God made it clear that He wanted BaGyi Bob to go to Kenya. He asked Evangelist Boyd Collins to go with him, and during what was supposed be only a "survey trip," they experienced true Holy Ghost revival. More than four hundred souls were gloriously saved. Many people confessed sin publicly, sometimes standing before 600 people, begging the forgiveness of spouses, children, and congregations.

But this ministry would be different than in Myanmar, or Old Burma. The preachers who begged BaGyi Bob to come to Kenya were Pentecostal pastors and denominational bishops, and BaGyi was plenty reluctant. BaGyi said "No" continually for two years. He explained to them, "We are not alike! I am not only Baptist, but historic King James Bible-believing, Independent, Fundamental Baptist." BaGyi learned that these men had been following his Facebook posts for thirteen years. Being confident that God had put the desire into their hearts, the Kenya Pentecostal preachers said, "You don't understand. We want to follow you! We will become Baptists, like you are!" 

And, so they have. These men and their congregations have denied the charismatic gifts, embraced the historic Baptist distinctives, the King James English Bible, and have submitted themselves to re-training, re-ordination, and sometimes re-baptism. They have paid a price and are continuing to suffer great persecution from denominational leaders and so-called brothers, sisters, and friends who have burned pastor's homes and destroyed their church facilities. But these men don't care. They are committed to the truth and their newly-found convictions of sound Bible doctrine.

Within this first year of work in western Kenya, five new churches have been established, three new church buildings have been erected, and GLBM's first Christian academy has been built and filled with students and a paid staff.

"God Does Stuff" African Style

(Saying of BaGyi Bob)

Training Kenyan Preachers

Nationals Training Nationals

Former Pentecostal preachers, being convicted and fully persuaded, are teaching others
the "Trail of Blood" Baptist heritage.

Baptizing New Converts

Reaching the Children

Building Churhes and Schools